Ex-world champion dodges jail term

FORMER world boxing champion Celestino Pelenchín Caballero dodged  a knock-out punch on Monday, May 21 when  Judge Orminda Miranda granted his  request for community work instead of the five-year jail term previously handed down.

Caballero,  was apprehended on the North corridor in a carrying 10 packets of cocaine. He

was sentenced on February 8, 2018, to five years of imprisonment for crimes related to drugs

In its  Twitter account, the Public Ministry said  that Caballero will do his community work on Tuesdays and Wednesday, from 8:00 a.m.to 12:30 p.m.

uring the hearing, the prosecutor said he was opposed to Caballero serving as a driver in the Municipality of Colón, where the former champion was born and made a request that a “report of the work done” by the former champion be prepared.