Strikers plan mass rally on Monday

A MASS rally of striking construction workers on Monday, April 30 is expected to attract scores of thousands of participants, to decide on future action.

Monday will mark the 13th day of the strike called by the Union of Construction and Associated Workers (Suntracs), without an agreement with the employers’ association  (Capac) which claims the stoppage is costing the economy $30 million a day.

Over 260 construction projects, including Metro Line 2 and Terminal  2 at Tocumen International Airport are paralyzed.

Negotiations over an agreement covering the next four years have been ongoing for six months, with most details settled except the major sticking point – wages.

On Saturday, the Suntracs leadership reiterated that the workers are not going to accept the “crumbs”  of two cents an hour increase each year.

The  Monday assembly is scheduled for 9:00 a.m. in Parque Porras, to “take new decisions regarding the strike and the actions that we will carry forward, “said Suntracs leader Sául Méndez.

Capac has said that it expects to reach an agreement with the Suntracs in line with “to the current conditions of the industry and economic development of the country “.

President, Juan Carlos, on the  weekend said: “I call on the leadership of the Capac to improve their proposal and the leadership of Suntracs to get closer to the reality of the ability of the construction industry to make the payment”

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