President foot dragging on key nominees

Panama President Juan Carlos Varela not renowned for speedy decisions has delayed the appointment of at least 20 key authorities in different State entities while he has been country hopping.

In addition two new magistrates for the Supreme Court he must appoint a replacement for Alejandro Moncada Luna who was jailed for illegal enrichment.

Three new representatives are needed on the board of directors of the troubled Social Security Fund (CSS) and a manager for the State Savings Bank. Caja de Ahorros(CA), whose previous administrators are mired in corruption investigation as well as a list of appointees in several courts.

Lina Vega, president of the Panama chapter of Transparency International, said that the situation undermines institutionality and affects the quality of democracy.

“Institutionality is not an abstraction, it is about the fulfillment of processes, among which obviously, to designate people with the required academic and ethical requirements “

Before the end of his administration in July next year, Varela will have the opportunity to appoint at least 30 authorities, most of them with fixed periods. More than half are currently vacant.

He will also have to name new directors to the board of the Panama Canal Authorities, with two current members facing criminal investigations