Panama Religious body protests Gay Marriage

Members of Panama religious organizations who have been visibly absent from protests against impunity and  corruption, and have been silent about the revelations of electoral fraud by the country’s lawmakers, turned out in their hundreds on Tuesday, March 6, to protest civil marriage of gay couples and “gender ideology.”

Dressed in white and carrying banners they assembled at El Carmen Church on Via Espana for the Great March to the National Assembly in defense of the family, convened by the self-anointed Panamanian Alliance for Life and Family.

They called on government authorities to desist from their attempts of “upsetting all our principles of freedom, coexistence and teaching”.

On Tuesday, February 27, the president of the Alliance, Juan Francisco De la Guardia Brin, said that it brings together more than 10 religious organizations, who will not allow the “natural family” to be threatened by “gender ideology” and marriage between people of the same sex.