OPINION: Impunity poisoning rule of law

IMPUNITY  is one of the intoxicants that poisons the rule of law. One of the factors that most favor it is the existence of permissive legislation, that rewards those under investigation who escape from the country to expect that the turning of calendar leaves will aid their cause. The National Assembly National has in its hands the draft bill 155 amending the Criminal  Procedure Code and that, among other things, would allow imputation in absentia those under investigation who have fled the arm of justice.

This move  – that to us may seem novel – is common in other countries and guarantees a balance between due process and the protection of the common good. The best action of Interpol or the processing of effective extradition processes will never replace a mechanism that prevents the unhealthy mockery that is made daily against Panamanian justice.

It is time to balance criminal proceedings and punish corruption … La Prensa. Jan. 28.