Business leaders call for massive no to impunity rally

PANAMA’S influential  Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture (Cciap)   and the Association of Business Executives (APEDE), have called on all Citizens to join ademonstration against a ruling of Judge Lania Batista on the Odebrecht case.

The Chamber’s board of directors, executive committee, advisers and ex-presidents confirmed on Monday, October 30 that they will be  there, along with directors and member of APEDE.

The demonstration will take Tuesday, October 31 at 4:30 p.m. on Calle 50 at  the site of the old Danté Mansion, now home to a Novey store.

It promises to be the biggest anti-corruption and impunity demonstration since the Odebrecht bribery investigation began.

The Cciap invited the population to participate dressed in black and white, with the slogan “No a la  impundad.”  (No to Impunity).