First neopanamax cruise ship enters canal

WITH OVER 3,000 passengers aboard on Thursday, Oct 26, The “Caribbean Princess” became first neopanamax cruise ship to pass through the expanded locks of the Panama Canal during the 2017- 2018.season

The Panama Canal Authority (ACP), reported that the vessel was carrying 3,086 passengers, but has a capacity for 3,600.

The Caribbean Princess in Agua Clara

The  Princess Cruise Line ship entered the Canal through the Agua Clara locks, in the Atlantic sector. It began its tour in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, where it will also end its journey.

According to the ACP, it plans to dock in the ports of The Bahamas, Cartagena (Colombia) Cristóbal (Panama), Limón (Costa Rica) and the Cayman Islands.

Passengers landing at Cristóbal are scheduled to travel “to various tourist sites in the cities of Panama and Colon,” said the ACP.