Panama heading for impunity crisis – Citizen’s Alliance

THE CITIZEN’S Alliance For Justice, backed by other civil groups, is demanding  an international commission against impunity alongside the investigation of the Odebrecht case.
The call, in the face of apparent government intransigence, follows the recent disclosure of the audits of the Comptroller General’s Office showing cost overruns of $318 million in five public works of the past administration, executed by the Brazilian company Odebrecht and other construction companies.
“This revelation leads us to conclude that there was a criminal attitude in the management of projects of this nature.
“The neglected management of the state resources that was given and that surely continues in the contracting of public works, in a country where four out of 10 people live in total poverty, can not go unpunished,” the alliance said.
According to the group, the results of the audits are “shocking,” taking into account that only five of 15 projects have been audited so far.
“After four months of being aware of this scandal, Odebrecht has not collaborated with prosecutors and along with other companies involved in these projects continues to operate in our country,” said the organization.
It also said that if action isn’t taken on the case soon, it could weaken institutions such as the justice system.
“This could turn into a crisis,” the alliance warned.
Odebrecht has admitted to paying $59 million in bribes in Panama between 2010 and 2014. and has been handed billions of dollars of contrcts under the present administration.