Mossack Fonseca Defense lawyers clash

LAWYERS for Maria Mercedes Riaño, the Mossack Fonseca representative in Brazil, accused of money laundering, insist that their client had a contract with the law firm.

Ramón Mendoza, of the legal team, said that there is a contract in which “the activities of Riaño in Brazil are totally subordinated.” He said this contract makes it very clear that all the activities of the office were controlled by Mossack Fonseca in Panama.

“Riaño was never a resident agent of any society, never established any society in Brazil or any other country. She was also not a director of any companies,” said the lawyer.

He said that these details are being checked step by step, through what his client has declared to Special Corruption prosecutor Rómulo Bethancourt, who is in charge of the investigation.

Guillermina McDonald, a lawyer for the Mossack Fonseca, law firm  has stated that Riaño acted independently, and the firm has documents to prove that.

Riano and  MF lawyers Ramón Fonseca, Jürgen Mossack and Edison Teano are all in preventive detention. Riano has provided statements fingering the Panama based law firm as a major money laundering operation.