!26 adults father babies with 14 year-olds

AT LEAST  126 adult men made girls of 14 or under, pregnant  in 2015 says  a newly released report  from Panama’s Comptroller General.

The report: Live Births of the Republic, by Age of the Father “reveals that Six men over the age of 40 impregnated girls of 14 or younger.

The report also notes that 13 men, over 30, are the fathers  of babies whose mothers were  14 or younger.

The document states that 120 men, under the age of 20, also impregnated girls  under 15 years of age during 2015.

In the majority of pregnancies among girls under the age of 15 (357 cases), ie 59.2%, the age of the father is indeterminate, so that the number of adult men responsible for these pregnancies is greater.

The figures cited only cover live births and non abortions.

Jail time
The Criminal Code of Panama establishes a prison sentences  of three to 10 years for adults who have sex with children under 14 years.

In Panama, every 12 hours a minor is a victim of sexual abuse  says a Comptroller report

On  the figures of children and adolescents attended in the courts during the year 2012.

The official report reveals that 728 minors were treated for sexual abuse in the childhood and adolescence courts.