A challenge to expat Republicans

By Phil Edmonston

I SAW  the second debate Sunday night October 8.  Truth was the loser.

Trump´s performance showed him to be a dangerous liar with the attention span of a sand flea (mentiroso y peligroso)

During this Second Debate Trump´s mind wandered constantly as he circumambulated aimlessly around the stage, frequently pausing to hover over Clinton as he mugged for the camera, and sniffed at her answers.

When asked a question, Trump always deflected the question and started his answer with either ¨Bill¨ or ¨Hillary¨ did this, or that.

Trump is dangerous for five reasons:

  • He´s a serial-groper of women (legal term: assault) and denies he was.
  • He calls for criminal prosecution of any woman who has an abortion.
  • If elected he´d put Hillary Clinton in jail.
  • He will create ¨deportation patrols¨ to go into private homes and deport 16 million immigrants.
  • He will shut down Obamacare and turn over medical care to private insurers.

Trump´s biggest lie is that he will build a $25 billion border wall to stop illegal immigrants and it won´t cost America one cent.

He ignores the fact that 75 percent of undocumented immigrants, come to the States legally and overstay their tourist visas.

Finally, Trump boasts that he is a successful billionaire businessman who can run an ¨honest¨, clean, government like his businesses, – some of which are facing lawsuits for false advertising and scamming the public.

Panamanians have heard that promise before from–Ricardo Martinelli–Panama´s former president, now fighting criminal charges and extradition while in exile in Florida.

Why should Panama care who wins?

  • Immigration to the US will be made more difficult.
  • Panama Canal traffic will drop as international trade deals sour.
  • Panama/US bilateral trade agreements will be abrogated to  ¨Make America Great Again¨.
  • Aid for international research (tropical diseases, natural cures, climate change), will be cut.
  • American aid programs like the American Embassy funding of some of the SAP (accusatorial justice program) activities will be curtailed.

Democrats Abroad regrets thatSunday  night´s debate was centered upon tales of sex abuse going back decades.

.We hoped for a discussion of issues like unemployment, affordable school tuition, international trade, immigration, women´s health, and gun control.

To this end we challenge Republicans Abroad Panama, to a public debate of the above issues, anytime, anywhere.

But, kindly keep your sex exploits to yourselves and follow the words of Milton:

¨Let her and Falsehood grapple, who ever knew Truth put to the worse, in a free and open encounter?¨–Areopagitica (1644).

Phil Edmonston is Chair, Democrats Abroad Panama. And is one of only two American citizens to have served as a Canadian MP. Abroad Panama is part of the American Democratic Party and counts almost 450 members in Panama.