$15,000 reward after home invasion murder

A $15.000 REWARD has been offered  for information leading to the killers  of a 29-year old woman in a Chiriqui home invasion. She died in a hail of bullets that also critically  injured her 59-year-old mother.

Police are looking for three suspects who left with the family vehicle after the robbery and killing.

The tragedy occurred in the community of Ojo de Agua in Bagalá township, Boqueron, Tuesday afternoon, March 22.

The dead woman was Cindy Yesenia Ibarra Cabarello, 29.

Her mother  Analida Caballero Pitti,  a retired nurse,  received  bullet wounds in the shoulder and chest. She is in the intensive care  unit of Rafael Hernandez Hospital, where she underwent surgery.

The announcement of the reward came Wednesday after National Police Director Omar Pinzon, and DIJ Director  Marcos Córdoba, met  with the Third Judicial District, prosecutor  Idalgis Olmos, and Homicide  prosecutor  Humberto Rodriguez.