Varela stays mum on Odebrecht jailing

PRESIDENT VARELA declined to comment Tuesday March 8  on the sentencing of Marcelo Odebrecht, president of the Brazilian construction company that bears his name, to almost 20 years in prison on corruption charges.

“It’s an issue of the justice system in Brazil,” the president said.

Odebrecht received a sentence of 19 years and four months in prison on charges of corruption, money laundering and criminal association in a multimillion-dollar fraud case involving state oil company Petrobras.

The construction company Odebrecht is the main contractor of the Panamanian government. It has received contracts in excess of $9 billion, including the two largest contracts issued by the Varela government, line 2 of the Metro and the urban renewal of Colón.

Varela reminded journalists who asked him about the matter that he pledged when elected to keep matters of the justice system separate from government.

“At the end, all humans are held to account for their actions,” he said.

His priority is “to protect works that are built for the benefit of the people,” which he said means awarding contracts at the right price and in a transparent manner.

Marcelo Odebrecht, 47, was jailed nine months ago as part of the investigation into bribes paid to government officials in exchange for lucrative contracts. The extent of the corruption was estimated at $2 billion.

Panama provided bilateral assistance in the case, as some of the funds were allegedly laundered through companies in this country, said Attorney General Kenia Porcell.