OFF THE CUFF: National Assembly carnival hangover

 National ASSEMBLY deputies  were lampooned this week for being asleep  at, or missing from, their posts after a week off,  to celebrate carnival.

The lethargy seems to have infected the credentials committee which has once again  postponed discussion of complainta against  chief Supreme Court Judge  Jose Ayu Prado.

PRD deputy Zulay Rodríguez was to present a report on whether or not accumulate into one file  the dozen odd complaints against the controversial magistrate..
However, La Prensa reports that  she has been given a new deadline  March 9,  to recommend the denial  or  admissibility of the complaints.

Rodriguez, who was previously  under attack for having sat on files for 8 months  and was called “irresponsible” by the committee chairman
said  that the new deadline was “very limited”. Which has critics wondering how she got through law school.