Booming Panama tourism speeds up immigration check


PANAMA IS ONTRACK to pass its goal of 2.5 million visitors for 2015  and  to speed up of the time for the increasing flow  passing through Immigration  at Tocumen,  an information system enabling pre-checking before arriving in the country is being introduced.

In the first 11 months of 2015 2.301 million visitors arrived, and with the monthly average at between 180,000 and 200,000  the target looks like being passed, as December is a peak month. Tourist arrivals until November last year had increased 12.4% compared to 2014.




The pe-checking system can be used on computers, tablets and mobile phones, the and travelers, domestic or foreign must enter their personal data and  flight information.


Thus arriving at Tocumen faster you can access the country whenever their data have been previously checked. The precheck can be made up to 15 days in advance of arrival in Panama.