Two women front runners for Supreme Court

TWO WOMEN  candidates for seats in Panama’s Supreme  Court received the highest marks from civic groups involved in the process of evaluating the finalists for the two vacancies

Ana Zita Rowe and María Eugenia López  scored highest  of the 10 finalists after a vetting process that included a round of public questioning.

The evaluation process lasted from Oct. 15 to Nov. 29 and was divided into three phases.

First, the groups developed a profile for the ideal candidate. To do so, they  took into account the current situation affecting the country and recommendations from international organizations.

The second phase included a validation of the abilities of each person, through interviews and evaluations of their legal reasoning’s.

The third phase was the interviews conducted by the State Commission for Justice.

Juan Antonio Tejada, of the group Movin, said that this model should be followed for the assessment of all persons who aspire to hold high public office reports La Prensa.