Itals disabled gift costing Panama millions

FOUR OF THE FIVE patrol boats “donated” by Italy to Panama in 2012, as a sweetener for agreements signed with Finmeccanica for the purchase of 19 radar, 6 helicopters and 1 cartographic map for $ 250 million, have just sailed 302 days in the  three years ince they were delivered to the Panamanian authorities.

The information was given by the Minister of Public Security , Rodolfo Aguilera, in anwer to a questionnaire from the National Assembly Budget Committee.

According to the minister, One  patrol boat sailed only, 104 days, another sailed for 17 days);  another for 69 days) and  one for119 days. One was taken out of service because of  engine problems and is undergoing remodeling  “to Americanize their operation.”

One patrol boat that has sailed only 104 hours, is not operational because it needs two generators.

The ”gift” by former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, in the administration of former president Ricardo Martinelli and former Minister of Public Security Jose Raul Mulino, will costPanama millions.

The annual maintenance of  each 200 Super Class  boats, , will cost the government $149,000, representing an expenditure of $596,000 per year for four boats. according to the report provided by Aguilera

Maintaining the fifth boat Class 900, which was delivered without being operational, costs $ 562,000 annually.

In total, $ 1.1 million a year is  required annually to maintain the vessel .To upgrade and  Americanize  the boat will require $ 2.1 million, which almost equals the real value of the ship which cost, according to the minister is $2.3 million.

The 900 Class patrol require $ 2.7 million for operating. To give operability to both ships, not including the cost of maintenance will require $ 4.4 million. Only the P-222 and P-223 boats operate.

The Budget Committee of the Assembly recently approved transfers of items for $ 1.2 million for maintenance of these ships.

On  November 11, the former Minister of the Presidency Demetrio Papadimitriu attested that the Government of Italy donated patrol boats in exchange for the $250 million purchase of security  equipment.