Tracking down ex-president Martinelli


SUPREME COURT Judge Harry Díaz, who is acting as the prosecutor in the case against  former President Ricardo Martinelli for alleged illegal surveillance, has  reiterated his request to Interpol to determine the whereabouts of the defendant.


A source of the Supreme Court confirmed to La Prensa that officials from Diaz’s office went to Interpol headquarters in Panama to ask why the former president has not yet been located. He was last seen in Miami.

The case against Martinelli has stalled because the judge, Jerónimo Mejía, has been unable to inform the former president of the charges against him, as outlined in the criminal code. He has ordered defense attorneys to provide.

Mitchell Doens, a victim in the case, has turned over a document apparently containing the e-mail to Diaz, who in turn presented it to Mejia.

Diaz told Mejia that Martinelli “writes every day on social networks,” so he could also be reached in that manner.