Amsoc offers family Thanksgiving

By Margot Thomas

AMERICAN THANKSGIVING  is just around the corner and The 60+ years old  American Society (Amsoc)is planning to celebrate by returning  its annual celebration to a traditional “family” event .

Diners at the Thanksgiving Dinner will be  seated at one big family table  with  lots of dishes to pass around “family style” and load up with turkey and all the traditional fixings. They will only need to get up from their seats, to help themselves from a  loaded dessert buffet. (For those who still have room). Black Friday will be behind you, so time to relax and enjoy.

The event will take place at the Wyndham Hotel (formerly The Tryp) on Sunday November 22 from 2-3 pm.

The price for the feast is $35 members, $40 nonmembers, children  6-11, $20.


In the tradition of giving thanks, by remembering the less fortunate in the community, guests.

CARABANA- Volunteers
As a sort of curtain-raiser to Thanksgiving, members of Amsoc will be helping out at The American stand  at the annual Caravana event at Atlapa, Thursday August 19, 3-5 pm.and are looking for volunteers. It’s a social and feasting event when countries from around the world exhibit  their  foods. Tasty times indeed. If you want to volunteer to help out or want more details on Thanksgiving or volunteering, go to the Amsoc website.