Judge accused of stalling in Martinelli wiretap case

A COMPLAINT has been lodged  against the  defense lawyers of former president Ricardo Martinelli for failing to provide an e-mail address for their client.
The failure to do so has delayed the process, which requires Martinelli to be informed of the charges against him. he fled the country in January and his whereabouts are unknown in spite of an Interpol blue alert..

Carlos Herrera Morán, who represents Mauro Zúñiga, said the lawyers should be held in contempt for ignoring the request of Judge Jerome Mejía. He said that Mejia made the request several weeks ago, but the lawyers have refused to provide the information, delaying action on the matter.

He cited article 64 of the criminal procedure code, which allows judges to punish attorneys who fail to follow instructions of the court.

Another victim, former PRD Secretary General Mitchell Doens, supported the claim, saying Martinelli’s attorneys have disobeyed instructions from the judge.

Doens also criticized Mejia, saying Martinelli has been active on social media, and therefore his e-mail address should be easy to obtain. reports La Prensa

“The judge does not have any excuse to stall this judicial process,” he said.