NicaraguaCanal gets environmental go ahead

WORK CAN START  on   the Nicaragua Grand Interocean Canal ollowing approval  of  the Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (EIAs) for the  Chinese Hknd Group on Thursday November 5.

“We authorizing Hknd to initiate processes and design and  structural, construction,” said the president of the State Commission, Manuel Coronel Kautz, during the ceremony broadcast on government media.

The resolution for the construction of the canal was extended because Hknd pledged to meet 48 environmental, social and economic requirements, including further studies “with high scientific rigor,” said Commission spokesman Telemachus Talavera.

“We are pleased to see that the project can now move forward rapidly,” said Hknd, senior advisor Australian Bill  Wild.

The project aims to build a channel that is to unite the Pacific Ocean with the Caribbean Sea through a channel 276 kilometers long, 230-520 meters wide and 30 meters deep.

It also includes sub-projects, including roads, an airport, two ports, free trade area and a resort.

One of the main concerns in Nicaragua was the impact on the environment.

Commission ecologist, Kamilo Lara said: “There is no doubt that this project will  restore the environmental damage that we Nicaraguans.have done consistently “


Although the canal project  was officially opened in December 2014, Talavera said in recent days that it will begin in 2016, and confirmed that once started, it will take five years to be completed.