OFF THE CUFF: “Unconstitutional” free parking

PANAMA’S BUSINESS Associations seem to be united in ignoring the concerns of large numbers of the community who have, in the past, objected to paying hefty parking fees while favoring store owners in malls.
The Panamanian Association of Business Executives (APEDE) claims the newly approved law on free parking in shopping malls threatens free enterprise and should be declared as unconstitutional.
“Free enterprise is recognized within the framework of the market economy and public authorities must guarantee and protect its exercise and the safeguarding of productivity. It is for this reason that we believe that the adoption of this law is against free enterprise in our country,” says an APEDE statement.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry has taken a similar stance, but both bodies seem to have overlooked the public outcry when malls began charging cusomers for the right to spend their money.
Panama hotels, with a few stand outs like The Grace, and The Bristol have also created new profit centers as they charge customers going for meals, up to $6 for valet parking.
The APEDE believes that the solution is not in the adoption of the law, but in the construction of new parking spaces, which would permanently solve the lack of vehicular spaces throughout the city. A worthy move and an opportunity for “ free enterprise”.