Martinelli defense playing for time

WHILE PANAMA waits to see justice done over the wiretapping of political opponents of former president Ricardo Martinelli, and of his alleged involvement in the National Assistance Program (PAN) scandal, his lawyers continue to attempt to delay his appearance in court.

The latest move on Tuesday, June 9, was to present two letters to question the processes followed by the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ), and by Judge Oyden Ortega, who acts as a prosecutor in the trial of Martinelli for the alleged crime against the public administration to the detriment of PAN.
Sitton claims that his client enjoys electoral criminal immunity since the Democratic Change (CD), Party founded and ruled by Martinelli is in the process of internal elections.
Therefore he could not face 10 complaints against eavesdropping by Martinelli, as happened Monday in an extraordinary session.
However, the Electoral Tribunal (TE) reported that even this call and election regulation is not firm reports La Prensa.
The other appeal submitted by Sittón concerns Judge Oyden Ortega. Sitton lists a series of actions that, according to him affected “due process and the right to defense” of his client. He says the defense is prevented from free entry to the prosecutor’s office and expeditious copies are denied. Also he claims is excluded from the interviews. For example, according to Sittón – Ortega on Monday, questioned former director of the PAN, Rafael Guardia, and did not warn him.
Last week, at a hearing in the Supreme Court, Judge Jerome Mejia, investigating judge in both Martinelli cases, ruled that the defense can conduct their own interviews, apart from the prosecution.
Mejia also said that according to the Penal Code the prosecution did not have to notify the defense every time they make a diligence, except in those cases where the law requires.