Varela prays for families of corruption suspects

THE LIST of former high ranking government officials facing indictment and, if found guilty, potentially long prison terms expands daily. President Juan Carlos Varela, said on Thursday, June 4, that the judicial processes against those close to the government of Ricardo Martinelli should not be not treated as a lynching.

“I pray to God for the families of the accused to be strengthened,” Varela said during a tour of schools in Colon with American doctors, offering medical care.
Varela, who for two years was part of a coalition government between the Panameñista and CD parties, would have known personally, many of those now facing corruption investigation including colleagues in the Martinelli cabinet, and would have socialized with their families.
On, Wednesday, the Second and Third Anti-corruption prosecutors ordered the detention of former vice president (1994-1999) and businessman Felipe Alejandro Pipo Virzi and boutique owner and businesswoman Poulett Morales.

Virzi’s detention was ordered by the Third Anti-Corruption Prosecutor, Zuleika Moore, for his alleged involvement in $10 million of illegal payments from Ecuadorian firm Hidalgo & Hidalgo, who operated , the failed Tonosí irrigation system in the Los Santos. Province .

Morales was detained for alleged irregularities in the purchase of 600 000 school bags with funds from National Assistance Program (PAN), during the government of Ricardo Martinelli (2009-2014).