Expat Health Insurance extended to 85 years

By Margot Thomas

FINDING AFFORDABLE senior citizen health insurance can be tricky, for new arrivals in Panama, so, some four years ago the CanadaPLUS Club  reached out to obtain a group international health insurance plan for its members with considerable annual savings on premiums. 

Some 150 have taken advantage but a few got left out because of age restrictions. But the club didn’t give up,and now, its advisors are  offering  international health protection tailored for expats up to 85 years of age.

The club will be hosting a seminar  on Tuesday June 16 at the Union Club, where plans for international health protection, and the best alternatives for you, will be explained, and you get to share wine and finger foods with some current members.
Attendance is limited to 30 so you will need to confirm as soon as possible to reserve your spot. You can reserve ar  club canadaplus@gmail.com, or call 6619-6890

Canada PLUS lifetime members receive a 15% discount on their policies

The CanadaPLUS Club has over 500 members from 25 countries, and organizes regular social and cultural events including murder mystery dinner theater, exploration trips and the annual Carols by Candlelight Charity concert.