Businessman moves from cell to house arrest

 BUSINESSMEN Roberto Carretero and Carlos Arauz Caneto created some 30 corporations in the last five years and achieved a turnover of more than $126 million in the reigns of Giacomo Tamburrelli (2009-2012) and Rafael Guardia Jaen (2012-2014) at the National Assistance Program (PAN) during the administration of Ricardo Martinelli

 Carretero who has been detained since last February 24 at the headquarters of the Directorate of Judicial Investigation (DIJ), is now under house arrest following the end of questioning by the Fourth Anti-Corruption prosecution for alleged irregularities in the sale of food bags distributed by deputies.
His lawyer Guillermina McDonald said his client has been charged with offences against the public administration in the amount of $2.3 million.
“He has cooperated in research and has never shown signs of wanting to leave the country),” she added.
Tamburelli, who has identified former President Ricardo Martinelli as the man who gave the instructions for orders he placed, in under house arrest. Guardia Jaen is detained in Renacer Prison, Balboa. Tamburelli cliams he has received threats, and family ember have left the country for safetly/ Guardia Jaen says he rceived threats while in La Gran Joya prison