Climate change disaster could cost Panama multi billions

THE TEMPERATURE in Panama will continue to climb say national and international experts and the country should be taking steps now should take steps to minimize the process which could cost the country billions of dollars in the next 15 years.
Tord Kjellström, environmental health expert from New Zealand who was part of the second meeting of the Health, Labour and Environment Program in Central America (Saltra,) said that being a small country makes it easier to achieve its goals.

Hildaura Patino, director of the Center for Research and Information on Drugs and Poisons, attached to the University of Panama, stressed the importance of research, so that they can cope successfully with the effects of climate change.

She said the purpose of the Saltra, meeting which brought together academics and representatives of different institutions, was to consolidate a team to support initiatives being undertaken against drastic climate variations.

She said that the roadmap for the research should be aimed at workers, most of whom labor outdoors and who will be affected by rising temperatures.

Climate change experts warn that by 2030, Panama could lose over $7.75billion due to natural disasters that affect occupational health and productivity.