MoH Doctor accused of falsifying credentials resigns

A DOCTOR who has failed to produce his medical degrees presented his resignation to the Ministry of Health(MoH) on Friday January amidst an investigation into allegations he falsified his credentials.

Grimaldo Cordoba’s resignation as, director of Health Promotion was r accepted by Minister of Health Francisco Javier Terrientes. Cordoba had held the post since last July.
Cordoba was suspended Jan. 6 while the Public Health Technical Council investigated claims that he does not have the medical training required for the job. Ministry of Health Secretary General Luis Vega,said Cordoba has not delivered the degrees he has claimed to have been awarded. Radio reports said he claimed to have specialized as a pediatric doctor.
The council is also investigating whether Cordoba practiced illegally, as has been alleged, reports La Prensa.
If it is found that allegations against Cordoba are untrue, a complaint against his accusers will be presented to the Attorney General.
Cordoba was an alternate for Panameñista Deputy Luis Eduardo Quirós in the 8-8-circuit. In the last election, he ran unsuccessfully as a candidate for Panama City Council from the San Francisco area.
He could not be reached for comment.