Transformation coming to Public Prosecutor’s Office

Transformation coming to Public Prosecutor’s Office

PANAMA’S  new Attorney General Kenia Porcell de Alvarado intends to “transform” the Public Prosecutor’s Office and has not ruled out rotating prosecutors.

We must work for ethics, fairness and transparency in investigations by prosecutors,” said Porcell, a 48-year-old lawyer, shortly after taking office this morning at a ceremony in the yellow room of the Presidency of the Republic.

The new prosecutor whose term will end in 2024 promised to respect due process and provide protection to victims and witnesses reports La Prensa.

She said that although she values experience, “that does not mean that there shouldn’t be competition.”

“We will do investigations and work to make society rely on the institution,” she said.

Porcell introduced lawyers Rolando Rodríguez Cedeño and David Antonio Diaz as the new secretary general and assistant secretary general, respectively.

The two, like Porcell, have previously worked in the Public Ministry.

Rodriguez started his career in 1990 as a senior officer of the Second Prosecutor’s Office. When he resigned, in 2005, he was a prosecutor in Chiriquí.

Diaz, was an assistant to Porcell when she served as assistant secretary general under Ana Matilde Gómez. He was later legal director for the national environmental authority Anam.Transformation coming to Public Prosecutor’s Office
PANAMA’S new Attorney General Kenia Porcell de Alvarado intends to “transform” the Public Prosecutor’s Office and has not ruled out rotating prosecutors.
We must work for ethics, fairness and transparency in investigations by prosecutors,” said Porcell, a 48-year-old lawyer, shortly after taking office this morning at a ceremony in the yellow room of the Presidency of the Republic.
The new prosecutor whose term will end in 2024 promised to respect due process and provide protection to victims and witnesses reports La Prensa.
She said that although she values experience, “that does not mean that there shouldn’t be competition.”
“We will do investigations and work to make society rely on the institution,” she said.
Porcell introduced lawyers Rolando Rodríguez Cedeño and David Antonio Diaz as the new secretary general and assistant secretary general, respectively.
The two, like Porcell, have previously worked in the Public Ministry.
Rodriguez started his career in 1990 as a senior officer of the Second Prosecutor’s Office. When he resigned, in 2005, he was a prosecutor in Chiriquí.
Diaz, was an assistant to Porcell when she served as assistant secretary general under Ana Matilde Gómez. He was later legal director for the national environmental authority Anam.