Sales already moving for annual charity Carols concert

By Margot Thomas
WITH JUST six weeks to go to the 4th Annual Carols By Candlelight/Luces de Navidad community Christmas celebration, the seven participating choirs are deep into rehearsal, preparing for what promises to be the best yet event and scores of seats have already been spoken for.
After each choir has presented its own selection of seasonal favorites, before the candle waving audience, the wavers is invited to join in the singing of a selected carol from the bi-lingual song book. The book will be distributed through retail outlets like Felipe Motta and restaurants including, Crepes and Waffles Marbella, 1985 Chalet Suisse and Rincon Aleman after the early November Independence celebrations.
The event is staged at the amphitheater at Mirador Del Pacifica on the Cinta Costera is on Saturday December 6 at 7pm. It is free but reserved seats including an LED candle are available at $15 and $20 dollars. If you want to take a stool or stand or sit on the perimeter, and get fully into the feeling, you can obtain souvenir LED candles by making a donation of $5 or $10. Organized by The CanadaPLUS Club the event is raising funds for Santo Tomas Hospital
Reserved seating tickets, along with candles and song books will be delivered to homes and offices in Panama City or may be oicked uo in Bella Vista or other locations to be announced.
Over 150 seats have already been reserved, so to make sure of a prime spot, place your order now before the shop-till-you-drop season is fully underway.
To reserve seats or order candles, call 6619-6890 or email