Panama pensions UP, qualifying age DOWN

ON THE EVE of a visit to Europe, including an audience with the Pope, President Juan Carlos Varela made good on one of his election promises when he sanctioned the law establishing a pension of $120 a month for indigent seniors and lowered the qualifying age.

The law increases the payment from $100 and lowers the qualifying age from 70 to 65.
The ceremony was conducted on Monday, September 1 in the yellow room of the Presidency. Varela said that the law will strengthen one of the most important programs of the government.
He recalled that initially there were doubts that the program could be financed.. Minister of Social Development Alcibiades Vásquez said that 45,000 more people will have the opportunity to join the social program.. The National Assembly adopted that changes on Aug. 21. According to figures from the Ministry of Social development, 88,956 people benefited from the “100 for 70” program started under the last administration.