Lawyers file criminal complaint against Electoral Prosecutor

THE NATIONAL COLLEGE of Lawyers, through its President José Alberto Álvarez and the Board of Directors, filed a criminal complaint on Wednesday August 27 against Electoral Prosecutor Eduardo Peñaloza for his omissions as a public servant.

 “He has failed to comply with his duty to investigate crimes in the country during the electoral period where there was a waste of state resources which is punishable in the criminal code and the Electoral Code,” said  Álvarez.

The group urged Attorney General Ana Belfon to act with due urgency because Peñaloza is involved in hearings involving challenges to the current election reports La Prensa.

“If we have a prosecutor who does nothing, then we will have hearings without the presence of someone representing society in these cases,” he added.

Belfon said she will handle the complaint in an impartial manner. “My administration has been totally independent,” she stressed.

 Peñaloza said Tuesday  that he only investigates “criminal offenses” and not administrative challenges. “I have to expect that we will reach the procedural phase of the hearing, with evidence and others have an objective opinion,”said  Peñaloza, who revealed that they have received24 cases of complaints, 10 of them against deputies, two against mayors and 12 against representatives.