Panama. lowest gas and diesel prices in region

 FILLING THE tank in Panama costs less than anywhere else in the region says a report of the Central America Cooperation Committee on Hydrocarbons.

The analysis was performed using the prices from August 17 to 23 this year in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama.

In Panama, a gallon of premium gasoline cost $4.05 last week, the regular gasoline$3.91 and diesel $3.64.
The document says that these prices are better than the average for the region, where a gallon of premium gasoline was $4 .65, regular $4.45 and diesel $4.10.
“Regular gasoline is 88 octane in Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua and in El Salvadorit is 90 octane, and in Costa Rica and Panama it is 91 octane.
The most expensive gasoline in the region is in Costa Rica, where a gallon of 95 octane cost $5.63 last week, 91 octane $5.43 and diesel $4.63.
Figures from the Comptroller General’s Office show that in Panama in the first half of this year to 128.4 million gallons of gasoline 246.9 million, gallons of diesel were consumed of an increase of 9.2%, and 24.8% respectively, compared with the same period last year.