Lottery donations allegedly used to help election bid

NATIONAL LOTTERY documents show that Ana Giselle Rosas de Vallarino, the contested winner of the 4-6 circuit of Chiriquí, solicited donations for residents of her district from the organization.
She did so in January 2013 while head of the Autonomous Cooperative Institute of Panama (IPACOOP). According to lottery official Enrique Oldemar Vallejo, the donations took place when the lottery drawing was held in Remedios.
A report prepared by Vallejos said Vallarino had talked previously with Lottery Director Sergio González about donations, and home visits by CD members to recipients to “ensure their eligibility.”
Electoral Tribunal officials have been scrutinizing lottery documents as part of their investigation into allegations that Vallarino used state resources to benefit her campaign.
Vallarino has rejected the notion that the donations from the lottery were organized for political reasons. She noted they were made a year before the campaign and that at no political banners or other forms of advertising were present at the drawing. Reports La Prensa
Two weeks ago TE officials held a lottery diligence to find documents which according to former deputy Jorge Alberto Rosas, could be linked to the proclaimed deputy.
Rosas, who competed with Roses Vallarino, filed a legal challenge after the May 4 elections
Since then, the TE has conducted inspections of the Community Board of Remedios, the National Bank, the Ministry of Housing, the National Assistance Program and the Institute for Training and Development of Human Resources (IFARHU).
Sidney Sitton, a lawyer representing Ana Giselle Rosas. said the accusations are meaningless. “That’s a big commotion, I laugh,” he said.
He said that while it is true that his client managed the donations, it was “when she was not a candidate nor had opened an election process”.