Tortoise versus shoot from the Twitter

WITH ONLY 40 days gone of the new administration’s 100 day honeymoon, suggestions are being aired by some political commentators that President Juan Carlos Varela is making tortoise like progress. Perhaps it’s a comparison with the rule by Twitter and speak-first-think-later style of his predecessor but during the weekend various sectors have questioned the president for his indecision on the issue of pardons and rising electricity rates.

On Sunday, August 10, Panameñista Deputy Jose Luis Varela came out in defense of his brother
According to the deputy, the president analyzes and discusses issues before making a final decision. “Prudence is not being tortoise like. In his campaign he said he would move slowly and the people voted for him, “said Varela.
On the pardons granted by Ricardo Martinelli days before leaving office, the deputy said they are still being “legally analyzed”.
He said that there are two positions: those who say it is unconstitutional for the ruler to revoke or that he has the power to act. “Juan Carlos will debate and discuss before deciding while trying not to be emotional,” he said on The Open Debate TV program.
Deputy Varela said that during the first  40 days the government has already advanced several promises like hiring lawyers for the Finmeccanica scandal, suspension of radar contracts, and setting prosecutors in motion over allegations of irregular use of funds in ministries.