Early photos of dead girls show them smiling and happy

PHOTOGRAPHS of the two young Dutch tourists Lisanne Froon and Kris Kremers, who died while hiking between Chiriquí and Bocas del Toro, showed them happily raising their hands when they reached the top of the El Pianista trail from Boquete that they entered on April 1.
Jerome Van Passel, spokesman for the families of Lisanne Froon and Kris Kremers, said that photos time-stamped April 1showed them to be cheerful and happy before their deaths..

Van Passel said that the photographs contain images of the trail. In one, Kremers is shown in a small creek and is smiling.
“In the photographs the girls do not show signs of fatigue, and when they reached the top of the trail, they raised their hands, they were enjoying themselves,” he said.
But the cell phone, found in a backpack reveals that there were emergency calls to 911 in Panama and to 112 in Holland. However there is no reception in the area.
The spokesman emphasized that prosecutors still have much to clarify about the deaths of both women. He said remains found last week still have to be analyzed, as well as the contents of a cell phone found in a backpack.
The women did not take any pictures from April 1 until April 8, when 90 pictures were taken between 1 a.m. and 4 a.m., but the pictures were too dark to see anything.
The new bone pieces will be analyzed at the headquarters of the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences in David. They were delivered on Saturday to the public prosecutor by indigenous residents who found them in Alto Romero, Changuinola.
Judicial sources said Monday, August 4, that the evidence will not be analyzed in Panama City because the comparative samples are in David. The results are expected in two days reports La Prensa
On Sunday, the parents of Kris Kremers climbed the path the two girls had taken and publicly thanked the local population for its solidarity with girls
They read a statement recognizing the work of the authorities in earching for Kris and Lissane, who had come to this country to study and hike.
On Monday they went to the community of high Romero, to thank people for their help in trying to find the two young women