Anti- impunity petition gathering steam

Anti- impunity petition gathering steam
BARELY a week after its launch, the Panama Internet campaign to “end to impunity” in the country has gained almost 1,000 followers
They have added their email signatures to supporty various civil society organizations, including Citizens Alliance for Justice campaign.
The short-term goal, according to Carlos Gasnell, executive vice president of the Foundation for the Development of Citizen Freedom, the, Panamanian chapter of Transparency International, is to get a thousand signatures.
To participate, individuals must sign the letter (with your email) on site and whose header is “I signed impunity.”
The letter, which will then sent to the three branches of government (executive, legislative and judicial), notes that “the undersigned, protest against impunity and ask that the facts be investigated of the outgoing government corruption and waste of state resources that occurred during the last election campaign.”