Retired cops may be recalled to fight swelling homicides

Retired cops may be recalled to fight swelling homicides
RETIRED POLICE investigators may be recalled to help tackle the 100% increase in homicides in Panama during the last 10 years says the incoming Minister of Security.

 Rodolfo Aguilera, who jumped into the public arena during the administration of former President Mireya Moscoso when he assumed the positions of deputy minister of Government and Justice and director of the defunct Police Technical Court, said that these agents have the necessary experience to capture criminals more quickly, reports La Prensa.

"We need to solve the crisis in which we find ourselves, where there has been a 100 percent increase in homicides in the last ten years,” he said.
As part of the changes that will take place within his management, Aguilera announced that he will increase the educational requirements to enter all sectors of the security forces, including maintaining the requirement for a college diploma.
According to Aguilera, the changes he is planning are intended to improve the scientific investigation of cases with the aim of gaining more arrests and convictions.