Opposition electoral alliance a dead issue – Navarro

WITH ONLY two days left to register campaign alliances the PRD presidential Juan Carlos Navarro , confirmed on Thursday, December 26 , that an opposition alliance with the Panameñista Party was a dead issue.

Navarro said that he had spent a year trying to arrange a meeting between the PRD and the Panameñistas to discuss the subject but, " It was not until today that the first formal conversation took place " with the Vice President and Panameñista candidate, Juan Carlos Varela.

"With the aim of reaching an agreement a substantive discussion was needed" to secure state agenda and ensure the democratic institutions of the Republic of Panama, said Navarro.
He said that despite all his efforts an alliance could not materialize. "This confirms the statement by the National Board of the PRD … our only allegiance is to the people of Panama.”
Panamanian political parties have until December 28 to register alliances in the Electoral Tribunal.
Many political forecasters now believe that the CD candidate Jose, Domingo Arias could win the presidency with only some 35% of the vote.