Annual deputy distribution of Christmas gifts in full stride

PANAMA’S annual taxpayer-funded gift distribution by government deputies, to “low-income family” constituents is in full gear with over $30 million spent so far with multiple purchase orders and direct contracts.


Hams, turkeys, holiday food bags, appliances and toys purchased in the last three months are given away by government deputies and one opposition deputy, via the National Assistance Program ( PAN) with the approval of Comptroller Gioconda Torres de Bianchini.

Gifts are also distributed by the Office of the First Lady, Marta Linares de Martinelli, whose aspiration as vice presidential running mate of presidential candidate José Domingo Arias ruling Democratic Change party is considered “serious ” says La Prensa.
PAN spent nearly a million dollars on turkeys and hams, while another $15 million was spent on appliances and bags with Christmas dinner (including hams and turkeys).
The million dollar contracts were awarded directly to a small group of newly incorporated companies, and links between them, that during this administration billed tens of millions of dollars says La Prensa