‘Bad cops’ in latest shooting incident face dismissal

 A FOURTH incident involving security services firing has drawn condemnation from within and a recommendation for the dismissal of those involved.

National Border Patrol Director Frank Ábrego , right.

The latest reported affair,  involved members of the Frontier service(Senafront) firing on a vehicle carrying a family, including an eight months old child who was injured.

National Border Patrol Director Frank Ábrego said Wednesday, November 27 that bad security officers should be reported because they are there to safeguard citizens.
Abrego said that the agency was aware of the incident and it has been researched.
"We interviewed the family and moved to the disciplinary board, which recommended the removal of the officers," he explained.
The agency determined that the three officers involved in the incident violated regulations regarding the use of their firearms. It further determined that they did not report the incident and tried to cover it up by offering a financial settlement to the victims.
The officers will also be charged criminally, Abrego said.
This is the fourth incident in which civilians have been fired upon by security officers. The first was on October 23, when two children died at a police roadblock in San Carlos.
Five days later presidential candidate Genaro López's truck was fired upon by police officers during an operation.
On November 15, a police anti-kidnapping unit shot at a car in Villa Zaita, Las Cumbres, injuring two women.