PRD unite at Road to Victory rally

THE PRD (Democratic Revolutionary Party ) spent the weekend fence building after weeks of apparent internal dissent.

At a “Road to Victory” gathering , presidential candidate Juan Carlos Navarro , received on Sunday, September 22 , the backing of former President and former secretary general of the PRD , Martin Torrijos.

In his speech, Torrijos (president 2004-2009) said that the current government " as weakened" the country's democratic institutions , using the arbitrariness of presidentialism.
" We've gone from a harmonious collaboration to a shameful submission … Some are satisfied with economic statistics that hide the concern of a society exclusive, unequal …. From a representative rich guy who used state resources ."
In that regard, he said that that money is not the President’s , but the taxes of the citizens and the Panama Canal . Torrijos said there is a truth that cannot be hidden : Panama is one of the most unequal countries , although it has wealth.
…”This inequality has grown more in four years than in 40 years," he said.
Responding to the euphoria of PRD members , Torrijos said : " I am here to testify that the PRD has more future than past … There is no other goal than winning elections next May."
Over 1,500 PRD members were at the Hard Rock Cafe, Panama City , for the " Road to Victory " rally.
In the front row , were former mayoral candidate, Balbina Herrera , former Minister Laurentino Cortizo , the ex vice chancellor Samuel Lewis Navarro , campaign manager Avidel Villarreal . Behind were mayoral candidate Jose Luis Fabrega and PRD deputies and representatives .