Threat of drug trafficker influence in Panamas elections

Threat of drug trafficker influence in Panama’s elections
PANAMA’S Security Minister has issued a warning to politicians of the possible interference by drug traffickers in the 2014 elections.


 Jose Raul Mulino, gave the heads up during the Annual Conference of Executives (CADE-2013).
 “ Beware of drug traffickers in the next campaign, something I have said many times already," said the minister.
Mulino said that there are places in the country where candidates for mayor, or deputies are prone to infiltration by drug trafficking representatives. “There is actual dailysrug inflitration  to those who are looking for support .” he said.
“Political parties be careful …drug trafficking in our country us in more places than you can imagine in the community, despite the efforts made to stop it, because cooperation with them is extraordinarily remunerative," said Mulino
He added that "Those I’m referring to know who they are.
Answering questions for examples he said that in Colón province there are over 30 gangs involved in protests occurred at the end of October 2012 over the possible sale of lots in the Colon Free Zone (CFZ).
The euphoria was drug-activated and politically motivated, as well as the looting of the Plaza 5 de Mayo, “and I say this with all the knowledge of the facts ".
The main theme of the conference was" Citizen participation: institutions and democracy.

CADE-2013 This year the main theme of "Citizen Participation: