Diablos Rojos on Panama streets face $150 fine

If you see a Diablo Rojo on the streets of Panama City on Friday, March 15, he will be picking up not only passengers, but also a $150 fine.

The diablo rojo graveyard in Panama Pacifico

That’s the official word from the newly appointed  director of the Transit Authority (ATTT), Roberto Moreno at a press conference on Thursday. The previous director was sacked by President Ricardo  Martinelli for incompetency. He was the latest victim in a string of short lived reigns over the transit system.

According to Moreno the compensation process, although it has been difficult, will  be completed in two weeks and  he asked the owners of the buses to complete the necessary documentation in order to be compensated.

ATTT  is currently handling  455 cases, of which only 116 have been sent to the Comptroller to issue the payment of $25,000 to each ownerr. The others have not provided full documentation although they have had months of advance notice.

On the other hand, Moreno  said,  at least 500 "Diablos Rojos " have been scrapped.and sent to the bus graveyard in Panama Pacifico