15 firefighters arrested after police clash

AT LEAST 15 (Panama firefighters) were arrested on Wednesday afternoon, May 15) following clashes with riot police.

 Firefighters who had earlier blockade Cuba Avenue,  remained at the Jose Agustin barracks and  threw water bombs at police cars. The riot police responded with tear gas.

After this event the 15 "red shirts" were arrested and taken to the police substation of Bella Vista.
The firemen who blocked Cuba were demanding the fulfillment of the points agreed between government authorities and units of the Fire brigade. The points covered promotions, and approval of payment of wages and bonuses.
Lieutenant Cruz Gomez told La Prensa the protest was prompted because the authorities are 'lying' to say that at the roundtable which ended on March 8, eleven of the 13 points were resolved.
The firemen have called for Fire Chief Paul Tuñón to implement what was agreed.