Archiving of newspaper lawsuit a daunting precedent”

The move by the public prosecutor to file a lawsuit over the blocking of La Prensa to prevent the distribution of newspapers “is a daunting precedent for the exercise of the freedom of expression”.

The statement comes from Jaime Mantilla, president of the Inter American Press Association (IAPA) meeting in Puebla, Mexico, whereover 300 delegates met to discuss the situation of the media in the Americas.

The Public Prosecutor moved to file the case of the lawsuit filed by Corporación La Prensa, following the events of August 2 -3, 2012 when workers of Transcaribe Trading, SA (TCT) besieged its facilities to prevent the circulation of the newspapers La Prensa and Mi Diario,
It was says Mantilla “a daunting precedent for the exercise of the freedoms of expression and information in the Americas.”
In Panama, , Mantilla said, “ it sends the message that newspapers can be attacked in this and other ways.. And above all, it represents an attack on the right of society to be informed about matters of public interest, which also assaults the exercise of independent journalism."
The Fourth Municipal Personería requested on February 28 that the Second Municipal Court archive the file for lack of evidence that the blockage was intended to disrupt the distribution of the papers. The move has been widely condemned not only by journalists but by the localbusiness community.
Halman Irvin, president of Panama’s Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture, said that were evident affects caused by the blockade of Corprensa.