US Embassy alert for Martyrs’ Day, Jan 9

Complaints by survivors and others of the moving of the date of Martyrs’ Day commemorating the January 9 1964 events leading to the deaths of over 20 Panamanians have borne fruit.
The commemoration parade has been rescheduled for Wednesday January 9, starting at Ancon hill at 4 pm and ending at the old Balboa High School near the Panama Canal Administration Building, where a memorial to the martyrs stands.Most of the dead were higsh school children shot by the US military. Panama broke off diplomatic relations with the US, and th events became a turning point in Panama's history leading to the acquisition of the canal.
The US embassy has issued another cautionary advice note to its citizens. It reads in part:
As an update to the previously released message regarding a Martyrs’ Day …We have learned that the march will conclude at the old Balboa High School near the Panama Canal Administration Building rather than the Balboa Academy location in Ciudad Saber. We have also been advised that FRENADESCO, SUNTRACS, and university students are scheduled to participate, but no credible information that the event will continue to be other than peaceful has been received. However, we continue to advise U.S. citizens in the area of the march and ceremony to use due caution, and to consider avoiding the affected areas.
Martyrs' Day is a Panamanian holiday which commemorates the January 9, 1964 riots over sovereignty of the Panama Canal Zone. The incident is considered to be a significant factor in the U.S. decision to transfer control of the Canal Zone to Panama through the 1977 Torrijos-Carter Treaties.
The ceremony will include speeches by some Panamanian survivors of the incident and the mother of one of the Panamanians who was killed. The Embassy has received no credible information of possible demonstrations, marches or related activities and has no information that the planned march will be violent or otherwise disruptive. However, even events planned as peaceful may evolve into demonstrations, including violence. We advise U.S. citizens in the area of the march and ceremony to use due caution, and to consider avoiding the affected areas.