THEATER: Improv8 is back, and it’s different every night

By Ingrid Jones
After a year long hiatus the Improv8 troupe is back and ready to raise the roof with their whacky ad libs at the Theatre Guild of Ancon.
Much as you may appreciate the performance of a play at your favorite theater, it’s not too likely, unless there is a family member in a starring role, that you will return for multiple presentations, but with "improv" it’s a different game. Each performance is different from the last with crazy quick fire shenanigans performed by the troupe reacting to audience promptings.
So if you have not had your fill of laughter at your first visit, you can go again and find a different serving of humor and wise cracks. The performers are never at a loss for words and, as it’s the first full-length show in nearly two years, there’s lots of pent up energy waiting to entertain you.
The show runs March 22 -24, 30-31 and April 6-7. There’s a ton of laughson stage and in the wings,, along with good conversation and socializing on the famed patio.
For reservations: "" and you will get a TGA confirmation code. There’s a $15 donation per seat.