Morality leads to rejection of “Classy Gay” title

A REAL ESTATE broker’s plans to take advantage of the gay market place has run into a road block with Panama’s Ministry of Commerce and Industry (Mici).

A gay poster couple

Berta Tuñón wanted to register  the name "Classy Gay Realty and Design".  The request was denied because, according to the Ministry,the name is contrary to morality. The word gay, according to the Royal Spanish Academy of Language, means everything belonging or relating to homosexuality. 

However, Tuñon said  she wanted to battle to defend the idea. and considered that the decision violates Panamanian  human rights. 

Tuñón told La Prensa that the idea emerged to take advantage of the opportunity offered by the gay market.. "My business sells high-profile properties to this very profitable market." 

The decision to take out a  commercial license was  "to protect my idea." After research abroad, the entrepreneur contacted with the Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce International, based in Montreal (Canada). She was told that Panama was not ready for this market but  was encouraged to make the effort and the Chamber would support her.

There are G and Lesbian  Chambers of Commerce in cities throughout North America and Europe which have been supported by commercial giants like MacDonalds and Walmart.

 Luz Davis, director general of the Industrial Property Registry Mici said that the refusal was due to moral criterion by the officer who examined the case but Tuñón may again refer the case to the authorities. 

 "I know that I am challenging the system with the word gay, as the title of a company as they do in the United States, Canada or Europe  and promised to start the process again." In addition to that, an investigation is being  carried out by the Ombudsman, because "this is a matter of rampant human rights discrimination.”

"If it’s going to take six months for the new procedure, I will do it. Lawyers suggest it could take  a lot longer