Poison victims contemplate road closures

Road closures on key highways,are  being studied by relatives of victims of the diethylene glycol scandal which killed nearly 200 people in Panama.

Members of the Committee of Relatives of Victims for the Right to Health and Life will evaluate  protest actions to demand better medical care for patients  poisoned with government dispensed diethylene glycol.

Daniel Sarmiento, vice president of the committee, said members of will meet to agree on measures to be taken to press the government and the public prosecutor to make a call to the director of the Social Security Fund (CSS) Guillermo Saez -Llorens.

Sarmineto told La Prensa on Tuesday that the call is for the trial of some of those involved in the diethylene glycol mass poisoning oin 2006. Patients were dispenses cough mixture containing the poison.

Road closures are contemplated at the Centennial Bridge, Bridge of the Americas, and Calle 50, all spots currently suffering major traffic jams.